Carry On Up The Arctic

Hi Betwixt Fans (all 7 of you). Norway Calling.


Days 3 and 4 were indeed spent in the rather gorgeous coastal port city of Bergen! So…..

Lee, Lah and Low! (Bit obscure but I like it).

Up the top over the city and it’s truly gorgeous afjording great views and water way to see the coastline! My cruise leaves here tonight….but my hotel, and the town, is populated with blonde sweet folk and plenty of Metallica T-Shirted types all happily hippy and from a time I wish we could return to with hardly any football on in bars and hardly any re-elected US presidents owning golf courses…..

Norway is probably my fave Eurovision country so I’m pleased it’s so beautiful. Oslo yet to be explored (after my ship’s ahoyed) but they certainly give good Peak.

I’ll be back at this hotel after the cruise when I’ll still look forward to the lift arriving at my floor and a disembodied voice saying “Ricotta Brie-Cracker Cheddar thank you”.

As I finish my breakfast I appreciate the fact that I’ll be leaving Mister Breakfast Loiterer (who just doesn’t know what he wants) and Ms Hacking Cough (once every minute) behind for sailing the high seas …. Norse The Pity I don’t hear you say, Dear Reader!



My Cabin on the Havila Castor Green Electric Ship is, like the entire vessel, brand new and fitted out in grand Ikea Fashion. But it’s glorious, hi-tech and satisfyingly tottieful, I mean, tasteful. Observation decks, bars, loads and loads of wonderful food, bars, and did I mention Observation Decks? Our first port of call (my Day 5) is Alesund. The birth place of former Crystal Palace manager Malcolm (that one’s for you, Auntie Jo), this ok flipping stunning coastal er bit…. Kinda agglomeration of little islands (like everywhere will be up the Norwegian Coast) makes for a lovely stroll looking at the Art Nouveau buildings, castles, harbours, motor boats galore and public toilets that are clean and rather well heated too.

This gives me a chance too to catch up on my NORWEGIAN FOR BEGINNERS LESSON 1:

There’s some quaint staple words in Norwegian which I’ve had to learn:

Restaurant. Bar. Pub. Thai Street Food. Fish Soup. Kulture Hub. WC. Museum. Gallery. Art. Music. Hot Dog. Hamburger. Pilsner. Cruiseshipterminal (tricky one that), and arbeiderforeningen, which as everyone knows, is the Norwegian for Trade Union.

Other useful tips include streets being called Gate or Gata (depending on whether it’s a cis boy or cis girl road) and hotels are called “Hotel”.

As many of my Betwixt Followers will know, I thrive on Ship Gossip and Accidents …so it’s a case of so far so good, apart from the two hour queue to board and the information talk given in German (we’d been misinformed if the time)….

But oh, the Food! This morning’s delicious scrambled was truly perfect and last night’s Lamb Shank was the best I’ve had in a long time…..

We passengers on this Electric Ship (battery operated don’t you know, they use 40,000 PP3s), are described as Eco Warriors for travelling on it, and not changing our towels until we see a Northern Light.

Well it’s onwards and upwards and, as Slartibartfast would have it, up through more of his crinkly bits: next stop Trondheim!



Now read this

Havila Custard

Well the ship is called Castor (as in Pollux) but it’s being pronounced more and more like the dessert sauce, so that’s what it is. OK. I last left you Dear Reader, in a flipping STORM. What happened NEXT? WELL …12 hours later it got a... Continue →