Betwixt the Coasts: From West to East in 80 days Part One

You’ve got to admit, we have the latest booking systems….


…said taxi service assuring riders that any credit/debit card at the terminal was fine.

The miserable (he hates his job) driver of course said arriving at Terminal 5: “Cash only” …

Luckily….. etc etc


So begins Betwixt the Coasts: From West to East in 80 Days (2023)….or “it’ll get funnier pretty soon…”

Other Business Lounge News: Champagne’s Off! It’s Rose Prosecco and her Orchestra ruling Mrs Roost. Oh well, good to swallow a diazepam with…until waiter “Anthony” (he looked like an Anthony) said “You only have to ask…”

Two glasses of Heidesieck Monopole later, I’m on board BA0296 to LAX having been sent to both wrong Terminal Boarding Regions (B & C) … if I’d stayed put, I’d have had more time for more champagne and less time to pant.

Flight? Wonderful. Food, fantastic… journey smooth as silk, booze? Galore. Picked up at Station (lots of security finger prints, groin x-Ray and mugshots with queues. But met by old (he still looks and acts young) L.A. buddy. Next day, hangover and lag of jet combined…but perfect French cuisine in the evening (with delightful Mexican waiters) meant my friends could eat Frogs Legs and Duck (honestly) while I had sautéed Salmon Macron avec Crudités. Ok, spinach. Beautiful plus walking amongst the purples and dark reds of the shrubs in the hood (the least threatening R’n’B combo of all time) makes this part of the city truly gorgeous. Roll on Day 2!….



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Wunderful Wunderful Copenhagen (und Hamburg)

Useful Fact: the Danish for Hand Disinfecting Gel is Hand Desinfektant Gel. Well Copenhagen is indeed wunderbar, more tatty I’d say than Stockholm and Oslo apart from umpteen palaces and museums and glorious Harrods size Department... Continue →