The year of Doing Things Again. But 2021 or 2022? And Have You Done The Shake and Vaccine? BETWIXT IS BACK!


May 2021

Travel, travel, travel! That’s what the WORLD is thinking about now…I know I am…desperate to make my amber a green, and my violet a Carson! (That’s for anyone REALLY OLD). Yup after a year of pandemic (still striking fiercely everywhere) and three months of, well, personal near death experiences (summary below), I wanna get well and Portillo myself to Europe, Get Biden over to USA to catch up on my fab friends there post Trumpety Trump, and then have a nice gentle Sundowner in Catalunya overlooking a rippling wave or ten. I’d also like to return to eating the Comestibles of California, the Nibbles of New York and the Tomatoes of Tomahawk.

Thing is, having to re-learn how to eat, what with most teeth removed and a jaw transplanted from my arm (due to Oral Cancer discovered in March 2021), my current mostly liquid diet with the odd egg, scrambled, not stirred is rapidly becoming TEDIOUS to rhyme with MOUSE (as me mutha used to say)….

THEN, just as I thought all things tickets were boo, I had to have a heart triple bypass operation (see pix attached with scars). Just as Carly started singing You’re So Artery, I bet you thought this song was about you….., I’m laid flat to recovering from TWO major operations, but at leas t now, back in my house, with my nurses, cohorts and part time residents of Yorkshireford.Nurse Rich.jpg

So, 2021 or 2022? Vertigo? I mean, Where to go? Portugal? South Georgia or Ascension Island? I fancy a return to Sea Chairs sooner or later……

It’s been heartening to see the last year or so of people posting pictures of walks along exotic beaches (Hove, Brighton, Eastbourne) to get my taste back for all things further off, though that still may be 2023 for me…..VITAL QUESTIONS for foreign travellage include:

1) Masks? Yay or nay? Neck or elsewhere?
2) Social Distancing in Benidorm?
3) Inside or Out?
4) Gin. Just HOW MUCH? Post my ops I’m thinking maybe just one glass at a time.

These and more burning issues to be contemplated in the months ahead.

Until then, all I can say is….

Tickety-Boo. I Love You ALL. (Even that 74 year old in speedos).




Now read this

Betwixt The Bluest Blueberry Muffins In the World

The Last leg. Or knee as my most dear friend Marianne Wit might put it, for sous chef baker raconteur and all round good surgery battered egg has hopefully just had her flipping final operation for a long long time and has been on... Continue →